My career path…

This is a wild ride…

Pressures of timelines and life. I have always struggled to find my passions and to put it into a career and feel genuinely fulfilled in life.  I have really learned over the years that I am a passionate person who loves helping people. 

So why do we feel the pressure at ages 18-27 to have all of life figured and to know what our career is and to be successful?

I am one of those people who felt completely lost during those ages and went from different jobs and career paths. WHAT DO I WANT IN LIFE? WHO DO I WANT TO BE? Honestly I still don’t have this all figured out (who does?) but who I was at 18, 25, or 27 years old is not the person I am today. Hello 30s I have never felt more in tune with myself!

My college was a human relations degree, basically just to graduate and no idea what I was going to do with it (but I wanted to help people). I started working as a Kindergarten teacher during the summer (thinking I would maybe become a teacher or get involved with children). This was not for me. Never felt so lost and confused while all of my other friends had successful jobs right out of college.

Since I was still lost and undecided, I thought it would be a good idea to go back to school and get my Dental assistant license (why not get another certificate?). I got my license and worked at an orthodontics for a couple of months, didn’t last very long. That was not for me. 

My friend helped me enter the corporate world into a healthcare marketing agency and worked there for 5 years and quit without having a job because I never have felt more burnt out and like I was in a jail cell. I was lacking any fire and felt like a robot.

There was something telling me to change career paths but I had no idea what that path was! I started working for a local Columbus distillery and had the time of my life working at a smaller start up style with co-workers who became friends. I loved it but still knew it wasn’t my long term goal.

My husband, Adam and my pup, Ollie picked up our stuff and moved to Denver. We moved out here for my husband’s job and I went without a job thinking it wouldn’t be too bad to find a job back in the marketing field. I was trying effortlessly to find a marketing project manager role (bc why not? That’s my most experience and I needed a job). I was constantly turned down over and over again (thanks to March 2020 & pandemic life & no jobs). It really made me dig deep to ask myself who are you now? What you were does not define you. 

Let’s lean into this and change careers. Thats where I found the NTA. I am passionate about holistic health, passionate about helping people. 

You can change paths and careers at any age. Age doesn’t define us. Learn into what your gut is telling you. It’s definitely scary but without scary you will never know what could happen! I am growing to love and really embrace change in life. Bc WHY NOT!

XO, Kristi