about me

Hi ya’ll I’m Kristi

My history and what brought me to become a NTP:

I have always grown up with stomach issues (hello gas, bloat, acid reflux, and more!) Was often in tons of pain after eating and would look like I was pregnant after eating most of time. I was dying for answers but every doctor I saw said my labs looked “normal” and to take a prescription anti-acid or to carry tums in my purse. BLAH!  I am a more natural person and wanted to learn what was happening to my body. I wanted help! 

I LOVE to listen and help people and knew I wanted to focus in on my own health but I also wanted to help other people who are struggling just like I was. The health world can be too controversial. “Do this diet, don’t do this diet”, “This is good for you and healthy… wait that isn’t healthy anymore” SO confusing! What is really true? I am not one to follow strict rules and could never actually follow a diet program (hello restriction, that is the worst for me - causes binging and for me to want it more? Mind games I tell ya). Dieting was NOT for me and caused me to have a bad relationship with food and lots of gut issues. Well I am here to tell you that there is no one diet fits all and that we are all bio-individual, our bodies are all DIFFERENT! 

I am so happy I found the Nutritional Therapy Association program. This was my calling. I started to heal my own gut issues, started balancing out my blood sugar and feel SO much better! (I am still healing - it’s a journey, but I feel good!!!). I want to help as many people as I can to start feeling their best, because it is possible! Let’s dive in and focus on YOU and start YOUR healing journey and DITCH the fad diets!!

I’m so glad your here and I can’t wait to connect with you!

XO Kristi

You deserve to feel healthy, happy & your best self! <3

learn more about working with me!

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

Maya Angelou